miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

How to prepare NONI Juice? (English)

Noni is generally used for its benefits to health, not for its flavor. The management of the fruit should be very carefully, taking into account that it has a not very pleasant scent.It is important that when you buy the fruit: knows where it comes from, whether chemical or pesticide has been used during the growth of the fruit, which is the correct species, which is the size of an adult fruit.It is recommended that if you don't know the details above, you buy Noni juice in a pharmacy or establishment. Although natural Noni juice is always much better.You can prepare various forms Noni juice, this is one of them: use an adult fruit. Depending on the size of the Noni, it is possible that it needs to use more than one fruit. Crush the full fruit in a blender, and diluyalo with water or fruit juice favorite. Preferably don't use sugar. Cuelelo and take it.We recommend juice of grapes, papaya, passion fruit and pineapple juice. While Noni it more dilute, thin leaves, and the concentration of Noni by dose is lower.

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